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New Year: More Nature

I have been thinking about why do I love taking pictures. Enjoy taking photographs of people but I never liked 'posing' them. Feel that those pictures are cheesy and fake. They don't tell the truth about the people in front of the lens. Still want to photograph people but I want to pursue more with my nature photography.

I love taking nature photographs because you can't fake it. Do know photographers who enhance their photos with software like PhotoShop or Lightroom. Don't believe in doing so. Believe that there is beauty in nature that doesn't need software to make it appealing. Its about the right lighting & composition. Last year I started experimenting with time lapse photography. Went to three locations & shot the same composition at different times of day for a number of months. I will compose the photographs that I have taken in still images & animation using video software.

Because I want to focus more on nature photography I feel that I need to change everything about how I have been marketing my business. On the home page of my website it shows that the majority of my work is portrait. For years it's been "Preserving Memories through Personalized Design & Storytelling." What should my new slogan should be or do I really need one? Will get in touch with others in the field & see what they have to say. Also will do online research.

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